“Hadī Māši Nāyḍa, Hadī Nahḍa”: Music, identity and heterodoxy at the threshold of a paradigm

The case of Moroccan countercultural music





countercultural music, non-identity, heterodoxy, paradigm


The work aims to determine the role that Moroccan youth music can play in the construction of a dissident identity ideal. Based on the analysis of the musical discourse of various countercultural groups, we seek to characterize the role of their subversive formulations of notions such as belonging and identity to create fissures in the canonical construction of the entire cultural paradigm. We intend to reach the conclusion that such marginal and erosive work opens expectations of change to the entire Moroccan cultural model marked by pathologies and chronic maladjustments that prevent its regeneration and metamorphosis.


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How to Cite

Balghzal, A. (2024). “Hadī Māši Nāyḍa, Hadī Nahḍa”: Music, identity and heterodoxy at the threshold of a paradigm: The case of Moroccan countercultural music. Epistemus. Journal of Studies in Music, Cognition & Culture, 12(1), 064. https://doi.org/10.24215/18530494e064



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