Intrapetrous second portion of fallopian aqueduct


  • Luciano Martín ESBORRAT Cátedra “C” de Anatomía. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Universidad Nacional de La Plata.


Thefacial nerve crosses the temporary bone through a bony conduit called Fallopian aqueduct. Its second portion, usually presents dehiscences of varied morphology in the external wall that have been related to face paralysis that appear sometimes during inflammatory processes of the average ear, or surgical maneuvers in the zone. The Literature's frequency reported is uneven, and not sufficiently described 44 human temporary bones were studied, and the morphology of these dehiscences analyzed. 4 of their basic patterns are described here: total dehiscence of the wall (4.54%), partial dehiscence (43.18%), multiple dehiscences (11.36%), and absence of dehiscence.

Key words. Facial nerve, intrapetrous, Fallopian aqueduct, bone dehiscences.


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How to Cite

ESBORRAT, L. M. (2014). Intrapetrous second portion of fallopian aqueduct. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 11(2). Retrieved from



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