A new atypical work or specific type of employment


  • Julio Cesar Neffa Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET-CEIL, Universidad de París




new technologies, plataforms, algorithms, work flexible, contract law


The present work is referred to the new computerized technologies that have enabled the creation of organizations, most of which are transnational, that are not under the requirements of traditional companies. In this case, it is about service companies through platforms and algorithms. The main activities consist of intermediating through electronic devices. The work mode is flexible and non-salaried; it is considered precarious work. These companies, using the strategy nor employer nor employees, were implanted in the world outside legality, not only labor but fiscal and tax legality. A review of the different types of services that exist in our country is performed. The company is the largest collector, since it is not responsible for any of the social charges. This mode of work through platforms was imposed with greater intensity during the pandemic. Social protection, health care and work risks are workers’ responsibility. Young people, mostly from neighboring countries, must pay a tax and health insurance. This employment model is based on a neoliberal conception of development. Recommendations are made so that the state regulates this work mode to enable its inclusion in the Employment Contract Law.


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Author Biography

Julio Cesar Neffa, Universidad de Buenos Aires, CONICET-CEIL, Universidad de París

Licenciado en Economía Política (UBA). Diplomado de l´Ecole Nationale d´Administration (ENA) y de Tercer Ciclo del Institut d´Etudes du Développement Economique et Social (IEDES); Doctor en Sciences Sociales du Travail de la Universidad de Paris I. Investigador Superior del CONICET en el CEIL. 


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How to Cite

Neffa, J. C. (2022). A new atypical work or specific type of employment. Orientación Y Sociedad, 22(2), e049. https://doi.org/10.24215/18518893e049