Renegotiation (2017-2018) of NAFTA’s Chapter XIX: Back to Protectionism


  • Francisco López González Universidad Autónoma de México UNAM


NAFTA renegotiation, unfair trade practices, antidumping dispute settlement, NAFTA Chapter XIX, protectionism


After World War II the United States of America became the champion of international free trade. Paradoxically, they also became the most sophisticated designers of disguised protectionist measures. Domestic antidumping and countervailing duty systems were soon abused and used as protectionist weapons, so, based on the mechanism previously devised by Canada and the United States of America to prevent such excesses, Chapter XIX of the North American Free Trade Agreement resulted in an innovative and effective means to avoid suspicions and resolve disputes on the matter. In the renegotiation of NAFTA promoted by the Trump administration, the American claim is to disappear that chapter and the reason seems simple: protectionism.


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How to Cite

López González, F. (2018). Renegotiation (2017-2018) of NAFTA’s Chapter XIX: Back to Protectionism. Anales De La Facultad De Ciencias Juridicas Y Sociales De La Universidad Nacional De La Plata, 15(48). Retrieved from



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