Trayectorias Universitarias <p>Revista de la Dirección de Capacitación y Docencia y la Especialización en Docencia Universitaria dependiente de la Secretaría de Asuntos Académicos de la UNLP.</p> <p>Se focaliza en el tratamiento de las dimensiones que atraviesan las trayectorias de formación universitaria de docentes y estudiantes, atendiendo a la enseñanza, la docencia y el aprendizaje en la Universidad.</p> <p> </p> es-ES <p id="derechos_autor">La aceptación de un original por parte de la revista implica la cesión no exclusiva de los derechos patrimoniales de los/as autores/as en favor del editor, quien permite la reutilización, luego de su edición (postprint), bajo una <a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">Licencia Creative Commons Atribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional&nbsp;(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)</a>.</p> <p>Acorde a estos términos, el material se puede compartir (copiar y redistribuir en cualquier medio o formato) y adaptar (remezclar, transformar y crear a partir del material otra obra), siempre que a) se cite la autoría y la fuente original de su publicación (revista y URL de la obra), b) no se use para fines comerciales y c) se mantengan los mismos términos de la licencia.</p> <p>La cesión de derechos no exclusivos implica que luego de su edición (postprint) en<span class="apple-converted-space"> <em>Trayectorias Universitarias</em> </span>los/as autores/as pueden publicar su trabajo en cualquier idioma, medio y formato; en tales casos, se solicita que se consigne que el material fue publicado originalmente en esta revista.&nbsp;</p> <p>Tal cesión supone, también, la autorización de los/as autores/as para que el trabajo sea cosechado por<span class="apple-converted-space">&nbsp;</span><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener">SEDICI</a>, el repositorio institucional de la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, y sea difundido en las bases de datos que el equipo editorial considere adecuadas para incrementar la visibilidad de la publicación y de sus autores/as.&nbsp;</p> <p>Asimismo, la revista incentiva a los/as autores/as para que luego de su publicación en<span class="apple-converted-space"> <em>Trayectorias Universitarias</em></span> depositen sus producciones en otros repositorios institucionales y temáticos, bajo el principio de que ofrecer a la sociedad la producción científica y académica sin restricciones contribuye a un mayor intercambio del conocimiento global.</p> (Equipo Revista Trayectorias Universitarias) (Portal de Revistas de la UNLP) Wed, 18 Dec 2024 14:38:14 +0000 OJS 60 Generative artificial intelligences from a multidimensional prism <p>The article analyzes the relationship between generative artificial intelligences (GIAs) and higher education. It highlights their potential to transform ways of learning, teaching strategies and their link to knowledge. It considers how generative technologies reshape cultural, social and educational aspects and underlines the need for inter- and multi-disciplinary approaches that go beyond the prohibition of use. The essay makes hypotheses about the inclusion of these meta-technologies in education; considers their implications for everyday life and questions technological solutionism, emphasizing that there are no technical solutions to complex social and educational problems. Through concrete experiences at university, it explores how GTIs can promote creative and critical thinking; facilitate the formulation of research questions and give rise to iterative processes that foster curiosity and co-writing. The article invites reflection on the signs and transformations of today's society, suggesting the need for the educational community to assume a position that allows it to inhabit the present and anticipate future scenarios. Finally, it points out the challenge of developing research processes and theoretical-reflective frameworks that allow us to understand how GDI can enrich teaching and learning processes in digital contexts that are more integrated into everyday life and increasingly complex.</p> Carina Lion, Miriam Kap Copyright (c) 2024 Carina Lion, Miriam Kap Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Transforming the teaching role in the age of Artificial Intelligence: Toward strategic pedagogical leadership <p>This article examines the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in education, considering it not only as a support tool, but also as a disruptive technology that questions traditional educational models. The critical analysis of the traditional teaching role shows the transition from the transmitter to the facilitator model, influenced by constructivist and socio-constructivist theories, also encompassing the incorporation of new technologies. The transformation of the teaching role with the adoption of AI is explored in four dimensions: as architect of personalized learning, mentor of socioemotional skills, curator of content and digital literacy, constituting the new role of pedagogical leadership. It is posited that AI empowers the teaching role but does not replace essential human qualities. Looking ahead, AI opens promising prospects for creating more inclusive and adaptive learning environments, preparing students for the challenges of the 21st century.</p> Alcira Vallejo Copyright (c) 2024 Alcira Vallejo Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Higher Education and digital culture <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The most important aim of this article is to reflect on the ways in which knowledge is built into digital culture, and what could be the critical and proactive contribution of higher education. In the first place, and to achieve this objective, I will analyse a technical theory of information in order to highlight how the process of knowledge acquisition get around from individuals to networks. Secondly, I will try to explain in what sense this process to promove a loss of cognitive experience.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">If the diagnosis is plausible, it will be necessary to think how these new logics of knowledge acquisition (dominated by the information overload) can be represented, in order to establish bridges between the Academy and the digital environment.</span></p> M. Aurelia Di Berardino Copyright (c) 2024 M. Aurelia Di Berardino Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Presence and perception of ChatGPT in the Law degree at the National University of La Plata <p>This article "Artículo EaD2024" examines the presence of generative artificial intelligence (AI), specifically ChatGPT, on university education, with a particular focus on law students at the National University of La Plata. The study is based on surveys conducted between 2023 and 2024, analyzing how students use ChatGPT in their studies and their perceptions of the tool. Results show an increasing awareness and usage of ChatGPT, with 95% of students familiar with the tool by the end of 2024, and 68% actively using it. Main uses include information searching, topic explanation, and summary writing. However, only a minority use ChatGPT for answering exams or practical work. Despite perceived usefulness, trust in the tool declined, reflecting greater awareness of its limitations.</p> Alejandro Batista Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro Batista Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Critical literacy in AI <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This article explores the impact of generative artificial intelligence (AI) in education, with a focus on the educational resources needed for critical training in higher education. It analyses the adoption of generative AI, particularly ChatGPT, by students. The authors argue that while generative AI has the potential to accelerate learning, it also presents risks, such as cognitive distortion of reality in students without critical AI skills due to epistemological dilution of source control and conceptual consistency leading to ‘hallucinations’ and biases.&nbsp; The need for ‘critical AI literacy’ for teachers is proposed, involving technical understanding, critical evaluation, and practical application in teaching the critical and creative aspects of AI in their disciplines. Finally, it is argued that critical AI literacy requires the de-blanboxing of educational resources, both those already available and new resources specially designed for this purpose.</span></p> Alejandro Artopoulos, Alejandra Lliteras Copyright (c) 2024 Alejandro Artopoulos, Alejandra Lliteras Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Teaching strategies with IAGen as opportunities to catalyze academic integrity <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article aims to analyze pedagogical practices that expand and deepen the use of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) to strengthen academic integrity in higher education. It acknowledges both the ethical challenges and opportunities that GenAI presents for academic production in universities and examines various institutional responses, ranging from restrictive approaches to proposals that promote its reflective integration into teaching practices. This work proposes intentional strategies to foster academic integrity, grounded in a culture of transparency and the design of learning experiences that encourage critical thinking and ethical responsibility. It also explores how interaction with conversational agents can enhance specific formative processes and essential values within the university context.</span></p> Susan De Angelis, Luciana Perillo, Elsa Aubert, María Cecilia Cherbavaz, Silvia Andreoli Copyright (c) 2024 Susan De Angelis, Luciana Perillo, Elsa Aubert, María Cecilia Cherbavaz, Silvia Andreoli Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Adding intelligence: The development of human capacities with the use of Generative AI <p>The article examines the impact of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GAI) in higher education, highlighting its potential to enhance human capacities such as critical, creative, and complex thinking. It introduces a five-step instructional model: exploring, processing information, dialoguing, validating, and transforming data. This model aims to guide students in the strategic and ethical use of GAI as a learning tool. While GAI facilitates tasks like idea generation and information synthesis, the article stresses the need for teacher mediation to prevent superficial use and promote deep reflection.</p> <p>A study involving 34 students shows that GAI is primarily used for information retrieval, with less emphasis on skills such as prompt formulation and critical dialogue. Findings indicate that transforming GAI-generated inputs into original outputs remains a challenge. The article concludes that integrating GAI into professional training requires sustained time and focus but offers promising opportunities to enhance students' creativity and autonomy.</p> María Elena Chan Núñez Copyright (c) 2024 María Elena Chan Núñez Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Biographical aspects, space and displacements in the construction of meanings about teaching in a suburban university <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">The article is part of the research project entitled "Practices and meanings about teaching at the National University of José C. Paz" directed by Lucía Petrelli and co-directed by Rosario Austral, appealing to the narrative biographical approach to understand the trajectories of teachers university students. This approach, within longitudinal studies, explores the experiences and perspectives of subjects over time, integrating both objective facts and subjective interpretations. In particular, the importance of considering not only chronological time and physical space, but also biographical time and space, where knowledge, skills and personal relationships are intertwined, is highlighted.</span></p> <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This proposal focuses on the intersection between teaching and spatial dimension, exploring the movements of university teachers at three analytical levels - geographical, reflective and pedagogical -, with the aim of understanding how they construct and develop meanings about teaching at UNPaz. Thus, the writing not only seeks to record the multiplicity of ways in which time and space emerge in the interviews, but also to delve into how the ways of understanding space and displacement are linked to the construction of meanings about teaching in a university. suburban.</span></p> Mara Mattioni, Lucia Petrelli Copyright (c) 2024 Mara Mattioni, Lucia Petrelli Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Teaching strategies in distance modality (UNLaM) <p>In the Department of Law and Political Science of UNLaM we are carrying out a study on the implementation of Distance Education and the challenges faced by teachers in the subjects of the modality in the Law and Political Science careers. It attempts to account for the problems that teachers face regarding the design, planning, teaching and evaluation of their teaching proposal. In addition, it contemplates the difficulties and obstacles inherent to the modality.</p> <p>In this sense, five dimensions stand out in the field of teaching strategies such as planning, platform mediation, communication, the pedagogical link and the constructivist perspective. Thus, within the framework of digital pedagogy, a new look is required in relation to the design of proposals that promote a critical approach, at a technical and applied level.</p> Laura Marín Copyright (c) 2024 Laura Marín Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Exploring the Use of ICT in Initial Mathematics Teacher Education from the Student Perspective <p>This paper analyzes the perceptions of students enrolled in the Mathematics Teacher Education program at a public higher education institution in Argentina regarding the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) within the context of their educational trajectories.</p> <p>Data were collected through a questionnaire designed to assess the use of ICT by students in their curricular activities during the Mathematics Teacher Education program at the Faculty of Exact and Natural Sciences at UNLPam.</p> <p>An initial analysis of the curricula of the activities that comprise the study plan of the program was conducted.</p> <p>The aim of this study is to identify areas of difficulty and specific training needs for the effective application of ICT.</p> <p>The findings underscore the necessity for continuous contextualization and articulation between theory and practice, the promotion of a critical perspective on technology and its role in education, and the creation of meaningful experiences for the integrated use of these technologies in the initial teacher training curriculum.</p> Rosana Gabriela Botta Gioda, Marisa Reid, Lorena Verónica Cavero Copyright (c) 2024 Rosana Gabriela Botta Gioda, Marisa Reid, Lorena Verónica Cavero Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Authentic evaluation <p><span style="font-weight: 400;">This study is part of a multi-year educational research project about didactic devices. </span><span style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this study was to know the assessment made by students regarding the use of an evaluation device that consists of simulating a conference for the development of academic oral skills. This stage of the research was exploratory-descriptive pre-experimental; case study with a single measurement and participant observation, semi-structured surveys, Likert-type scaling and CATA. The simulation of presentations of scientific articles was analyzed for the development of academic oral skills and was called “Mock Congress”. It is an authentic assessment device that goes beyond the analysis of declarative knowledge because it is presented as a challenge, as a problem or situation to be solved. During the Congress, an oral presentation (in Spanish) of a scientific article (written in English) was carried out with the support of Powerpoint or similar. On the day agreed as a simulation of a scientific event, the oral presentation and the quality of the accompanying visual support were evaluated. The “Mock Congress” as an authentic assessment device was positively evaluated by the students who participated in the experience proposed by the subject Inglés Técnico.</span> <span style="font-weight: 400;">Oral presentations based on scientific articles in English provide an opportunity to develop academic oral skills, as well as reading comprehension and research skills, since it is a task based on a scientific paper in English.</span></p> Carolina Clerici, María Florencia Becerra, Danisa Siomara Bastida, Carolina Chirino, Valérie France Gänswein Copyright (c) 2024 Carolina Clerici, María Florencia Becerra, Danisa Siomara Bastida, Carolina Chirino, Valérie France Gänswein Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Evaluation in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology (FCE-UNLP): Reflections on what we evaluate and its impact on the profile of graduates <p>Throughout history, evaluation at the university has been the subject of analysis and slow updating, driven by the discussions that take place within the society in which it is inserted. Both the content evaluated in exams and the instruments with which it is evaluated have been modified. Despite this, the discussion about the professional profile that guides the different evaluation means has been relegated. In this work we seek to reflect on the impact of the ways of evaluating during the Bachelor's degree in Biotechnology and Molecular Biology of the Faculty of Exact Sciences of the UNLP, on the profile of its graduates; the most used types of evaluation and the practical and social skills required for scientific work, as the main professional orientation of the career.</p> Francisco Carriquiriborde, Malena Ferreyra Compagnucci, Santiago Gomez Bergna, Verónica Mancini Copyright (c) 2024 Francisco Carriquiriborde, Malena Ferreyra Compagnucci, Santiago Gomez Bergna, Verónica Mancini Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 Research and Writing as Professional Practices of Higher Education Teachers: Contributions to University Teacher Education <p>Autoethnography as a qualitative research genre encourages research, reading and writing processes in the professional and education teachers’ fields. From this approach, this article proposes to characterize the autoethnographic productions of students from different teacher training programs at the Universidad Nacional del Sur (Argentina) within the subject <em>Didactics and Teaching Practice at Higher Education</em>, while detailing the teaching interventions that made such writings possible. The research design is qualitative-interpretative. We explored a corpus of 34 autoethnographies produced on the subject within a writing workshop focused on research and reflection on teaching practices (their own and others) as professional knowledge of higher education teachers. The texts were analyzed with theoretical-methodological tools based on didactics and studies on academic literacy. The results show that autoethnography stands as a backbone genre in the first approach to qualitative research, since it challenges students to recover their own experiences and put them in dialogue with theoretical references, to value their training processes, and to reflect and build professional knowledge about them.</p> María Elena Molina, Andrea Montano Copyright (c) 2024 María Elena Molina, Andrea Montano Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000 University Trajectories Carlos Giordano, Glenda Morandi Copyright (c) 2024 Carlos Giordano, Glenda Morandi Wed, 18 Dec 2024 00:00:00 +0000