Contributions of the systematization of an experience

The path of construction of the university curricular design of the Bachelor's Degree in Speech Therapy at the UNLP




speech therapy, university, curriculum, teaching


This article recovers the construction of the Integrative Final Project (TFI) of the Specialization in University Teaching of the UNLP: The construction of the curricular design of Speech Therapy in the FTS of the UNLP. The challenge of an integrated and situated project to consolidate professional identity. The Bachelor's degree in Speech Therapy, the first offered by the public university in the Province of Buenos Aires, was built based on previous work of several years. What was experienced and analyzed during the TFI allowed us to reflect on the need to define different paradigmatic approaches in Speech Therapy related to epistemological frameworks of the profession. The approaches, subjects, contained practices and paths proposed in the formation of the curricular design were organized in that key and met the objective of deepening a clear and defined perspective of being and doing Speech Therapy. This experience and its systematization organizes and discovers essential aspects of this task. . The writing of this article presents the complexity of temporal articulation since a past experience is described in two different moments: the construction of the curricular design and the subsequent systematization of that experience.


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How to Cite

Diaz, C. (2024). Contributions of the systematization of an experience: The path of construction of the university curricular design of the Bachelor’s Degree in Speech Therapy at the UNLP. Trayectorias Universitarias, 10(18), 157.