Social cohesion and governance. The impact of foreign trade on wage differentials and the accumulation of human capital under different paradigms of integration


  • Martín Tetaz UNLP


International Trade, Wage differentials, human capital


This paper analyzes the impact of international trade, on both, wages differential between skilled and unskilled workers, and human capital accumulation, under alternative integration paradigms–i.e. Open regionalism, and New regionalism. Under the assumption that trade driven by integration, changes the relative return to skills, we show a model where based on wage differential (among other things), non skilled workers make decisions to accumulate human capital, leading to changes in social cohesion, that in turn, impacts gobernability, both within and between countries. The model is contrasted empirically, confirming the theoretical conclusions.


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Author Biography

Martín Tetaz, UNLP

Economista, UNLP, con estudios de posgrado en Psicología Cognitiva en la UBA y actualmente Doctorando en Ciencias de la Gestión de la UNLP. Investigador del IIL e Investigador visitante del Centro de Estudios Distributivos Laborales y Sociales (CEDLAS), ambos de la UNLP. Profesor invitado por la Universidad Dr. José Matías Delgado de El Salvador; la Universidad de la República, Uruguay y los Andes, Venezuela. Premio a la Investigación Científica (2013) por la Academia Nacional de Ciencias Económicas. Autor de libros, capítulos de libros y de numerosos artículos científicos sobre temas de su especialidad. Columnista habitual de diarios y revistas de circulación nacional



How to Cite

Tetaz, M. (2014). Social cohesion and governance. The impact of foreign trade on wage differentials and the accumulation of human capital under different paradigms of integration. Revista Aportes Para La Integración Latinoamericana, (31), 01–34. Retrieved from