Sustainability of milpa agroecosystems in La Trinidad Ixtlán, Oaxaca


  • Dulce Yaneth Martínez Pérez Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Montecillo. Carretera México-Texcoco km. 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco Estado de México, México, C.P. 56230
  • Julio Sánchez Escudero Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Montecillo. Carretera México-Texcoco km. 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco Estado de México, México, C.P. 56230
  • María de las Nieves Rodríguez Mendoza Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Montecillo. Carretera México-Texcoco km. 36.5, Montecillo, Texcoco Estado de México, México, C.P. 56230
  • Marta Astier Calderón Centro de Investigaciones en Geografía Ambiental, UNAM Campus Morelia. Antigua Carretera a Pátzcuaro No. 8701, Col. Ex-Hacienda de San José de la Huerta. Morelia Michoacán, México. C.P. 58190



indicators, peasant agriculture, maize, climate variability, MESMIS


Milpa is an integrated agricultural system were maize (Zea mays L.), bean (Phaseolus spp.), and pumpkin (Cucurbita spp.) are associated; is the most crucial system of food for self-consumption for rural families in México. The objective of this study was to evaluate sustainability in milpa agroecosystems in one rural community of Sierra Norte of Oaxaca. The study was conducted in 12 milpa parcells, which were divided in two different groups given their management practices, and their respective family units. Based on the methodology for evaluating natural resource management systems incorporating indicators of sustainability (MESMIS), 15 sustainability indicators were measured through a survey application. Agroecosystems were regrouped through a multivariate analysis using a Rcmdr program from the free software R. Indicators were converted to a normalized scale from 0 to 100 through the reference interval method. Multivariate analysis reclassified agroecosystems in three conglomerates, which were mainly differentiated by the cost-benefit indicator, and distinguished two atypical cases. Sustainability reaches agroecosystems thanks to higher values of biodiversity and soil organic matter indicators and lower values of chemical inputs and governmental dependency indicators. Nevertheless, in these agroecosystems, sustainability is threatened because of climatic variability and generation succession uncertainty.


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How to Cite

Martínez Pérez , . D. Y., Sánchez Escudero, J., Rodríguez Mendoza, M. de las N., & Astier Calderón, M. (2020). Sustainability of milpa agroecosystems in La Trinidad Ixtlán, Oaxaca. Journal of the Agronomy College, 119(2), 048.