Caracterización de células cepillo del cerebelo tratadas por exposición prolongada de la muestra al alcohol isopropilico en variante de impregnación argentica


  • Elbert Oberto REYES GRATEROL Laboratorio de Neurohistología, Departamento de Histología, Edificio de Ciencias Morfológicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de los Andes
  • Sogeilys Milagro GARCÍA ODUBER Laboratorio de Neurohistología, Departamento de Histología, Edificio de Ciencias Morfológicas, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de los Andes
  • Edgard José LAGUNA CAMPOS
  • Mario Javier SALAS MÉNDEZ


Brush cells in the cerebellum are glutamatergic neurons of the granular layer. They are divided into three or more subtypes and were not identified by silver impregnation methods until 1994, when Mugnaini identified them using a variant of Golgi method. To make evident brush cells of the Wistar rat cerebellum, we developed a modification of the silver impregnation techniques. The improvement of method is due to the immersion of tissue sections in isopropyl alcohol following sequential washes with ethyl alcohol.  It provide a quick impregnation, diminish precipitate outside cells, and the crystallization is more uniform. Morphological and morphometric studies of brush neurons stained with this technique are easy because the cell body and its processes are well observed. We also observed quality differences in the final preparation according with the mounting medium used.  An improvement of the preservation was observed using Permount medium.

Keywords: Brush cells, Golgi technique, isopropyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, Canada balsam, Permount.


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How to Cite

REYES GRATEROL, E. O., GARCÍA ODUBER, S. M., LAGUNA CAMPOS, E. J., & SALAS MÉNDEZ, M. J. (2014). Caracterización de células cepillo del cerebelo tratadas por exposición prolongada de la muestra al alcohol isopropilico en variante de impregnación argentica. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 16(2). Retrieved from



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