Changes in endometrial cytology during the estrous cycle in dairy cows


  • Laura Vanina MADOZ
  • Ana Lorena MIGLIORISI
  • Rodolfo Luzbel DE LA SOTA


The cytobrush (CB) has proved to be the best technique for obtaining uterine cytology for the diagnosis of subclinical endometritis (SE) in postpartum dairy cows. The diagnosis is based on assessing the percentage of neutrophil cells (%PMNN) in an endometrial cytology smear according to days postpartum. Several authors have described a physiological increase of neutrophils (PMNN) in the endometrium, from late proestrus to metestrus. This increase could eventually alter the diagnosis of ES, resulting in false positive diagnoses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the variation of percentage of PMNN, mononuclear leukocytes cells and the size of endometrial cells in clinically healthy synchronized cows. For the experiment, Holstein dairy cows between 27-56 days postpartum (dpp) at the beginning of the sampling period were used. The cows were synchronized with an Ovsynch protocol and were sampled on days 0, 4, 11 and 18 of the estrous cycle (endometrial cytology for SE diagnosis and blood for progesterone measurement). Data obtained showed that %PMNN did not change throughout the estrous cycle (1.51± 0.50, P> 0.64). These results demonstrate that the %PMNN does not vary along the estrous cycle, and therefore diagnosis of ES by CB technique reflects the inflammatory changes occurred in the endometrium.

Key words: endometrial cytology, estrous cycle, subclinical endometritis, cytobrush, neutrophils.


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How to Cite

MADOZ, L. V., JAUREGUIBERRY, M., MIGLIORISI, A. L., & DE LA SOTA, R. L. (2016). Changes in endometrial cytology during the estrous cycle in dairy cows. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 18(1). Retrieved from



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