Comparative analysis of the skull morphometrics of antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) from South Orkney and South Shetland Islands


  • Gustavo Adolfo DANERI
  • Esperanza Amalia VARELA
  • Cecilia Carina DI MARTINO
  • Laura PLA
  • Luciano DE SANTIS
  • Javier NEGRETE


Arctocephalus gazella, skull morphometrics, geographical variation


Skull morphometrics of two populations of Antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) located at different islands of the Scotia Arc were compared in order to detect possible geographical variation. This could provide evidence on migration and gene flow between them. In addition, if variation was shown to occur, this could be useful in identifying the source of vagrant seals of this species of unknown origin. Twenty two metric variables were measured from adult male skulls from South Orkney Islands (n=43) and South Shetland Islands (n=35). Comparative univariate and multivariate statistical analyses included standard statistics, one-way analysis of variance, principal component analysis and discriminant analysis. No significant separation between the two island groups, based on cranial characteristics, was found. This would indicate that gene flow is still occurring between them. Therefore, skull morphometrics cannot be used to determine the origin of vagrant fur seals.


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How to Cite

DANERI, G. A., VARELA, E. A., DI MARTINO, C. C., PLA, L., DE SANTIS, L., NEGRETE, J., & HARRINGTON, A. (2019). Comparative analysis of the skull morphometrics of antarctic fur seals (Arctocephalus gazella) from South Orkney and South Shetland Islands. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 20(1), 1–7. Retrieved from



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