Comparison of techniques for determining sex on human populations: differential estimates from the pelvis and skull in a sample from San Juan, Argentina


  • Lumila Paula MENÉNDEZ División Antropología, Museo de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque S/N, La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina. CONICET
  • Federico LOTTO División Antropología, Museo de La Plata, Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Paseo del Bosque S/N, La Plata (1900), Buenos Aires, Argentina.


Traditionally, sex estimates used in anthropology are based on the visual weighting of dimorphic osteological traits of the pelvis and the skull. The aim of this study is to compare different sex estimates in archaeological human populations, using cranial morphometric data and visual estimates from the pelvis and skull, in a sample of individuals from San Juan, Argentina. The sample (n = 18) includes individuals from different locations in the Province of San Juan, held at the Museo de La Plata and Museo Etnográfico "J.B. Ambrosetti." 3D landmarks were recorded in the skull using a Microscribe digitizer and six morphometric data sets were analyzed: complete skull, face, vault, base, sexual dimorphism landmarks conventionally established and mandible. Morphometric data sets were compared to sex estimates from the pelvis and from the skull, and principal component analysis were conducted for each set of morphometric data, classified by both sex estimates. The results show that there are differences in sex determination because sexual dimorphism is expressed unequally in different anatomical structures, being the face the structure that allows a better discrimination between sexes.

Keywords: sex determination, sexual dimorphism geometric morphometrics, principal component analysis.


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How to Cite

MENÉNDEZ, L. P., & LOTTO, F. (2014). Comparison of techniques for determining sex on human populations: differential estimates from the pelvis and skull in a sample from San Juan, Argentina. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 15(1). Retrieved from



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