Clinical anatomy problem: strategy to learn for thinking critically


  • Gustavo OTEGUI Departamento de Anatomía, Facultad de Medicina, UBA.


Theresearch problem is verify in which measure the problem of Clinical Anatomy is an useful strategy to ensure that students learn to think critically. This research was raised this objectives:a- to apply 6 problems of clinical anatomy. b- characterize the performance of the instructions. Proposed problems were 2 of locomotor system, 2 splanchnology and 2 of neuroanatomy. The instructions to carry out were: 1. Identify the signs and symptoms (verifiable evidence) that presents his patient. 2 Propose derived assumptions (DA) that postulate the injury of anatomical structures and which could explain symptoms observed in patients. 3 Conjeture a cause - or more-(- FA – fundamental assumption) responsible for the syndrome observed in his patient. 4 Propose the mechanism anatomo-clinical whereby from fundamental hypothesis (FH) are derivative assumptions (HD) and the verifiable consequences (signs and symptoms) that presents his patient. All the students who participated in the experience acquired sufficient skills to develop hypothesis of different complexity and infer consequences which can be contrasted with the data of the patient. The method is extremely useful for the achievement of these objectives.

Keywords: problem, clinical anatomy, critical thinking.


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How to Cite

OTEGUI, G. (2014). Clinical anatomy problem: strategy to learn for thinking critically. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 13(2). Retrieved from



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