The ovary of Mustelus Schmitti (chondrichthyes, triakidae): microanatomy and development through the reproductive cycle


  • Elena Juana GALINDEZ Laboratorio de Histología Animal, Departamento de Biología, Bioquímica y Farmacia, Universidad Nacional del Sur, Bahía Blanca.
  • Juan Manuel PISCICELLI
  • Anahí WEHITT
  • Sabrina FUENTES
  • María Constanza DIAZ ANDRADE
  • Silvia ESTECONDO


This work is the first approach to the ovary microanatomy of Mustelus schmitti (gatuso) through their reproductive cycle, including the follicular p opulation and the characteristics of the stroma. Three macroscopic stage s of sexual maturity were considered. The ovaries of immature females show only the early phases of foliculogenesis. In young animals there are the first indications of follicular atresia and in mature ones all f ollicular stages a re present as well as corpora lutea. The ovogonias a re present through the entire reproductive cycle.

Keywords: microanatomy, ovary, Mustelus schmitti.


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How to Cite

GALINDEZ, E. J., PISCICELLI, J. M., WEHITT, A., FUENTES, S., DIAZ ANDRADE, M. C., & ESTECONDO, S. (2014). The ovary of Mustelus Schmitti (chondrichthyes, triakidae): microanatomy and development through the reproductive cycle. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 12(2). Retrieved from



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