Distortions in denta–scan tomography


  • Darío CUCCHIARELLI 1-Centro de Diagnóstico por Imagen Buenos Aires (TcBa). Argentina. 2- Cent ro Odontológico Dr. Darío Cucchiarelli. La Plata, Pcia. de Buenos Aires. Argentina.
  • Nicolás DIULIO


One of the methods of image diagnosis in implantology is the computed axial tomography, the reference plane used to carry out the study is the Horizontal Plane that is taken parallel to the roof of the palatine vault. Instead, the surgical reference is the Oclusal Plane (Prothetic Camper Plane). Then, if we changed the reference used in the tomography, to the Occlusion Plane, we could have a realer image of the bone. To carry out the experience, 15 maxillary superior toothless skulls were selected, those had belonged to mature people that had lost their jag pieces prior to their decease. To each one of them, they were made a wax bun, with the Plane Oclusal reference (Cámper Prothetic Plane), and they were placed a witness implants of10 mmx3.3 mm. To each skull they were taken two tomography, one with the conventional technique and another using the Cámper Prothetic Plane. The tomography used was the helical type, Philips trademark MX8000 with courts of1.3 mmeach 0.6mm. To be able to carry out the comparative measurement between one and another technique, it was used a caliper trademark VIS (made in Poland). The results obtained with each technique and each samples were evaluated. One could observe that speaking in percentage, the standard technique (Horizontal) showed a magnification of  19.20% with regard to the technique in study (Oclusal), that showed a 16.5% magnification. The study showed distortions with regard to the real measures of the witness. These distortions were minimized for the case of the Oclusal Technique but none of them gave with the absolute representative of the patron measure.

Keywords: tomography, prothesis, oclusal plane, implant.


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How to Cite

CUCCHIARELLI, D., & DIULIO, N. (2014). Distortions in denta–scan tomography. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 12(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Morfol/article/view/919



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