Sex differences in metric variables of fetal ilium


  • Rocío GARCÍA-MANCUSO Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología A, Facultad de Ciencias Médicas, UNLP


This paper analyzes the ilium through linear measurements, angles and indices in order to evaluate the presence of dimorphic differences in the earliest stages of life. The sample consists of 62 known sex individuals (29 ? and 33 ?) within the age range of 25-45 weeks after conception from the Lambre collection. The sample was analyzed in two age groups each comprising 10 weeks of development. There were significant correlations with age in almost all variables. We performed the t test for independent samples by sex and found significant differences for the index distance/depth. For the age group between 35 and 45 weeks of gestation significant differences were found in length of ilium, depth and angle of the greater sciatic notch, the index of the sciatic notch and the index distance/depth. On the basis of the findings is considered that dimorphic differences in early stages can only be analyzed in bounded time periods since the changes occurring with growth are heterogeneous.New explorations in other populations and other age ranges could get a guide for estimating adjusted sex in developing individuals.

Keywords: sexual dimorphism, sciatic notch, subadults.


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How to Cite

GARCÍA-MANCUSO, R. (2014). Sex differences in metric variables of fetal ilium. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 11(1). Retrieved from



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