Visualization skills of students of veterinary embryology


  • Antonio Eduardo FELIPE
  • Silvia Carmen GALLARRETA
  • Graciela MERINO


Scientific representations are visual images that count on referring concepts and can be decodified, interpreted and valuated. The aim of the present study was to characterize the visualization skills of students of veterinary embryology using graphic representations. Thirty two first year Veterinary Sciences voluntary students were interviewed in two occasions. First interview included all students and assessed their knowledge about terminology related with visualization skills. Twelve students participated in the second interview which was based on the resolution of instruments of spatial visualization, spatial orientation and spatial relationships. Student's opinion was that the work was very difficult. This could be explained for their inexperience in working with images; moreover they recognized that they had just used them for entertainment or obligation. The majority of interviewees (83.3%) expressed they had previously made representations only to fulfill teacher's requirements. Fifty eight percent of students were able to resolve at least half of the rotations. In regard to the ability to establish spatial relations, the range of right answers was 50 to 92%. It can be concluded that most of the students lacked experience in the didactic use of images, showing deficiencies in their visualization skills.

Keywords: visualization, students, embryology.


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How to Cite

FELIPE, A. E., GALLARRETA, S. C., & MERINO, G. (2014). Visualization skills of students of veterinary embryology. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 9(2). Retrieved from



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