Ultrastructural study and distribution of genus paragordius camerano, 1897 from Argentina (gordiida, nematomorpha)


  • Fernanda ZANCA
  • Cristina DE VILLALOBOS


Paragordius is a genus of Gordiida with a worldwide distribution, but with a scarce specific diversity. Seventeen species of the genus Paragordius have been described so far. In many cases, as with the other genera of Gordiida, the original descriptions of the species are insufficient due to the limitations of the techniques employed. In this work the holotype of P. andrasii and P. esavianus and specimens of P. esavianus and P. varius are redescribed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the intraspecific variations of the cuticle are showed. The distribution for P. esavianus, P. varius and P. andrasii is pointed out and the position of P. flavescens is discussed.

Keywords: Paragordius, Gordiida, Nematomorpha, scanning electron microscope.


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How to Cite

ZANCA, F., & DE VILLALOBOS, C. (2014). Ultrastructural study and distribution of genus paragordius camerano, 1897 from Argentina (gordiida, nematomorpha). Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 9(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Morfol/article/view/950



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