El lugar de la sociedad en el psicoanálisis: del psicoanálisis en lo social


  • Maria Cecilia Ruscitti


social, sociedad, instituciones, práctica


The place of psycoanalisis in society has been questioned, attacked and criticized throughout its existence. At present, the rise of short therapies and treatments governed by behavioral modification backs to the table old debates. The society claims urgency, total insertion that drags to the void. Psychoanalysts must act with these demands, without answering them but lodging them, disarming the suffering that “fit” entails for some subjects, tirelessly seeking answers that open up new questions about what we are part of. I will try throughout this article to delimit the concept of “social” in psychoanalysis, making a brief tour through its uses and misuses, in order to get to the practice itself, the task of the psychoanalyst and the vicissitudes of his practice in and with the community. Clinical vignettes will allow us to exemplify everything that can’t often be said in words, because it is practical, it is ethical and it is also political, not without a clear desire of the analyst.


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