Adicciones: reflexiones teóricas sobre el abordaje de una problemática compleja


  • Pablo David Barrenengoa
  • José Damiano
  • Stella Maris López
  • Néstor Eduardo Suárez
  • Mabel Tejo
  • Adriana Villalva


adicciones, Ley de Salud Mental, salud, interdisciplina


The present article proposes to systematize the progress of a process of theoretical and methodological construction in the research of addictions issue. Since the formation of a team with members of the Chairs of Psychopathology I, Preventive Psychology and Clinic of adults and gerontes of the Faculty of Psychology of the University of La Plata, we have started a work that simultaneously has proposed to construct a perspective of approach in the analysis of treatment devices, along with the research training of undergraduate students in psychology. This inquiry recognizes the complexity, heterogeneity and difficult systematization of the field of the consumption of psychoactive substances, and analyzes some effects of the prohibition and abstention models on the drug users related to the criminalizing and homogenizing discourses on the addicts. Based on the contributions of the rights approach and its normative and institutional framework inspired by international health regulations and the National Mental Health Law, this article exposes conceptualizations related to the concept of health and the role of psychology in the contemporary era. In this sense, this work proposes to move from a position, centered on the “rehabilitation” of the “addict” to another, focused on the active participation of institutions, communities and citizens. Finally, considering the complementarity and multiplicity of devices for addictions care, some reflections are made from the field of psychoanalysis, which place addictions no longer as a clinical category in itself, but as the fundamental feature of the relationship of the subject with the objects of consumption. From this perspective, we clarify what we understand as a real drug addict and the need to consider the singularity of each case as a right and a necessary principle for any possible treatment of addictions.


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