Prevención de violencias contra las mujeres en noviazgos adolescentes extensión universitaria y comunidades educativas


  • Pablo Blanco
  • Ana Clara D'Ovidio
  • Nicolás Gonzalía
  • María Belén Mariescurrena
  • Xavier Andrés Oñativia
  • Romina Testa


noviazgos adolescentes, prevención, violencias contra las mujeres, extensión universitaria


This work presents the Extension Project „Gender Violence and Teenage Courtship. The Prevention from the School and Educational Community‟, that since 2012 has been developed at the Faculty of Psychology of the National University of La Plata. First, there are brief references to the university extension and the position of the team. Then, an approach is made to the theoretical framework from which the experience is thought, focusing our work on a gender perspective and on the notion of the problem of violence against women as an issue of Human Rights, Mental Health and Human Security. Subsequently, the relevance of the preventive approach to the problem is analyzed taking into account both the particularities of the adolescents who are the target of the proposal and the educational system, where the activity is performed. From this, the fundamental aspects of the Project and the various activities carried out are exposed. Finally, the results obtained are summarized, taking as an object of analysis different actors who are involved in this task: the Faculty of Psychology, the school institutions in which we are working, the target adolescent population, the extension students of our Faculty and the coordinators of the project team.






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