Antecedentes y conceptos del problema de las condiciones subjetivas en un femicidio múltiple: el estudio del caso Barreda en la perspectiva del psicoanálisis


  • Julia Martín


antecedentes, conceptos, condiciones subjetivas, femicidios


This work aims to present the background and main concepts that form part of the formulation of our subject of doctoral thesis in production, about the delimitation of subjective conditions in the production of the femicides. We propose to study the subjective conditions of an aggressor in the production of intimate and family femicides, investigating the context in which the being decides to conclude in a fatal solution, delimiting the framework of the position of a subject in its relationship with others and dramatic conjunctures, the conflicts of his sexuated position and that of his partners, his subjective responses and what is in them of elective and mechanic. As we will show, our approach, Clinical Psychology with a psychoanalytic perspective, is different from the gross of the investigations found and is consistent with current paradigms in Mental Health that relativize the place of psychiatric diagnosis by replacing the determination of the dangerousness of an individual with that of a subject at risk, more in line with a possibility of foresight. We propose a case study for of such qualitative research, because this methodology allows the deepening of the understanding of a particular situation, and with it, the possibility of making changes to generalizations and new hypothesis that can be tested in a quantitative perspective. The case selected for the study is that of the dentist Ricardo Barreda who murdered the four women of his family in November 1992 in La Plata.


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