Otra vez, otra lectura de encore


  • Matías Gabriel Lezcano


goce, significante, sustancia, ordinal


This paper proposes the commented reading of Jacques Lacan Seminar XX (1972) with the aim of establishing other consequences from other material than the one officially established: we are talking about the critical version of the seminars, established and translated by Ricardo Rodríguez Ponte for the internal circulation of the Freudian School of Buenos Aires. Whether it is the French version edited by Seuil or the Spanish version edited by Paidós, the differences are notable both in length and intensity, from the comparison work between the different versions of the originating material in their language (a shorthand version corrected by the owner Jacques Lacan, text of 1986 signed by Gérôme Taillandier, the version Vrmnagrlsofafbypmb published on www.acheronta.org and the version known as staferla based on the capture stenotypia of 1981, among others) until the decisions of translation. The consequences that we consider to extract from reading this other source are central to the subversion of what is currently being disseminated in terms of the concept of enjoyment. But far from the intention of this article to take into account the entire seminar, we will limit the work to the first three classes to mark the spirit and basis of the rest of the seminar.


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