Adolescencias: de amores y violencias en estos tiempos


  • Roxana Frisón
  • Carolina Longás


adolescencia, vínculo, conjunto social, violencia


It is proposed in the following writing, to carry out an inquiry regarding the coordinates that constitute the assembly of a couple bonds in adolescence. According to the possibilities of the subjects and to make both in a historical moment, this can happen in networks to the predominance of the creative or of the most aggressive, with expressions of violence. It is emphasized that the present work is structured around two axes: on the one hand that refers to the vicissitudes that the construction of a couple bond in adolescence acquires as a key moment of becoming, and on the other, the one that alludes to the three levels of analysis that will be taken into consideration in the problematic: the intra-subjective, the inter-subjective and the trans-subjective. It supports an approach that contemplates the imbrications of psychic works and processes of adolescence, as a moment of structuring, with disruptive, singular productions, in subjectivities that require the external support given by others and the social set. Adolescents become permeable to the internal instinct and to the outside of the culture in which they are immersed, taking the identifying statements portrayed by the social group. The instinctual demands and the social demands are erected in the pressures and psychic work at this time of the subjective organization.


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