Infancias institucionalizadas: ¿objetos de protección o sujetos de derecho?
infancia institucionalizada, derechos, psicólogo, subjetividadAbstract
The International Convention on the Rights of Children and Adolescents has dethroned the Agote Law and states that we are in the era of "the rights of the child". However, based on the data analysis of the results obtained in the case study in a children's home in La Plata, framed in the CIN Scholarship (2017), it can be stated that institutionalized childhoods are being abandoned by law, without being out of it: They are "in band" (Agamben, 2004). In the institution of direct care addressed, we have worked from semi-directed interviews with workers and participant observation at key moments of daily routines (lunches, play spaces, study spaces, meetings). This work brought us closer to the senses that appear repeatedly and that link the home with the logic of a family. "Home = family" is an equation that is reinforced in this particular institution, not only in the discourses of the adults, in the structure of the organization's roles and in the edilicia disposition, but it also produces the subjectivities of the as children, strengthening their conditions of violation of rights. It is a challenge for psychologists to be able to do a fundamental job in this vacancy point. The importance that children know their rights were the premise for them to be recognized as active subjects of rights and not objects protected.Downloads
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