Formación de profesores en psicología: conocimiento profesional y saber a enseñar


  • Paula Daniela Cardós


Profesor en Psicología, formación, conocimiento, enseñanza


This work intends to give an account of some of the axes that make the problematization of the professional knowledge of Psychology Professors, specifically in the framework of the degree formation and attending to the incumbencies of the professional title and their possibilities of teaching labor insertion. The thematization and reflections that follow arise from the trajectory and teaching work in the Chair "Teaching Planning and Practice of Teaching in Psychology" who‟s teaching and training proposal, in its development, to the configuration of a teacher training device in which the reflection and narratives take center. The notion of teacher professionalization is the axis of the aforementioned proposal. It refers to the process of transformation in the ways of being, being and doing in the teaching profession. That is to say the configuration of identity as well as the construction of teacher‟s professional knowledge. Within the framework of the research program developed by the Chair over the last twenty years, we have been able to delimit and problematize aspects that make the identity of professors in psychology as well as the construction of their professional knowledge. Currently we have taken up some lines of reflection around the knowledge required to teach in general terms and in particular to teach as a Professor in Psychology.


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