Adicción generalizada y segregación, efectos de la evaporación del padre


  • Daiana Ballesteros
  • Eduardo Suárez


adicción, objeto plus de goce, evaluación, comunidades de goce


In the following article, we start from the premise of considering the addiction as a contemporary social symptom and as one of the many names discomfort receives in the culture. The master‟s discourse declination and the object a elevation to the social zenith as a way of increasing the object of surplus jouissance are the equations, deduced from Lacan teachings, that allow us to read the current time, the symptoms and the shapes in which anxiety presents itself. There when the father declines, the hyper-modern discourse and the science‟s discourse show up along with their own evaluation methods. The links, sustained by identifications reflecting jouissance, encourage segregation practices. Racism, the one Lacan was concerned about back then in 1967, becomes a social act creating phenomena in which the anger towards Other‟s jouissance seeks its own destruction. How to keep up with the discomfort of the times is the question we wonder. How to reinvent the psychoanalysis once the father has vanquished, is the compass pointing due north.


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