Conceptualizaciones sobre las violencias y producción de subjetividad: un aporte interdisciplinario


  • Irene Ascaini
  • María Belén Del Manzo
  • Natalia Lucesole


violencias, subjetividad, discursos, investigaciónacción


This work aims to investigate the problem of violence (s) and its inscription in contemporary subjectivity. The journey starts from the dialogue between certain authors and theoretical lines that have dealt with this phenomenon as a revision, then we reflect on the construction of violence (s) in social discursivity. Finally, we develop the ethical-political implication of the topic based on the territorial approach from action research. First, we understand violence (s) as a complex social phenomenon, which affects the processes of social production of subjectivities, reproducing in social and community bonds. In any of its expressions, the violent experiences (Boria, 2016) produce important marks in those who suffer it, in the bonds and in the social organizations. These inscriptions will be in most cases, irreversible. In this way, we share with some referents the idea of violence as an organizer of subjectivity, as a social practice (Cufré, 2010) present in the ways of relating and in community bonds, in which multiple factors intervene. Second, the complexity and polysemy of the concept, leads us to delineate an intervention that includes, in its analysis and in the design of strategies of approach, interdisciplinary and multi-acting aspects. We aspire in this work, to show some theoretical-methodological conceptualizations derived from different disciplines such as anthropology, linguistics, communication, psychology, sociology, philosophy, among others. The purpose of our presentation is to build a theoretical framework, to encourage debate and re-readings that allow us to think about strategies of community intervention in violating territories and signed by the violence (s) in its different modalities.


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