Canalization of craniofacial morphology in homo sapiensduring ontogeny, a cross-sectional study
Canalization is a developmental property of organisms that constrains morphological variation and can be expressed as a reduction of the variance among individuals. This work aims to evaluate variance of size and shape in the human skull during postnatal ontogeny in order to infer canalization. Craniometric landmarks were digitized on 266 skulls of individuals at age 0, 2, 7, 12, 15, 18 and 20 years. Geometric morphometric was used to compute variance of size and shape at each age and then variances were compared between consecutive ages. Neither variance of size nor variance of shape showed progressive reduction along ontogeny. There were no differences in the variance of size between consecutives ages but significant reductions of variance of shape were found between ages 0 and 2 for the neurocranium, as well as between 7 and 12 for the face. These results suggest that canalization is related to developmental processes such as brain growth and dental emergency that affect differently the neurocranium and the face at particular moments of the ontogeny.
Keywords: variance, neurocranium, splacnocranium.
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