Comparative study of liver and kidney DNA synthesis in adult and young mice


  • Damián MOAVRO Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP.
  • Marina MARTÍNEZ Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP.
  • Marcela GARCÍA Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP.
  • Adriana GARCÍA Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP.
  • Laura ANDRINI Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP.
  • Ana María INDA - Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP. - CIC
  • Ana Lía ERRECALDE Cátedra de Citología, Histología y Embriología “A”. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. UNLP.


In previous papers we have observed that the proliferative activity of numerous cell populations of suckling and young mice was different than the observed in adults. In the present work we analized the DNA synthesis of suckling and adult mice, by immunohistochemistry (Bromodioxiuridine) in both hepatocytes and renocytes, at two different time points. The object of the present experiment was to establish the correlation in cellular proliferation between both groups. We used C3HS suckling male mice of 21 days old and adult mice of 90 days old. The results showed that DNA synthesis of renocytes and hepatocytes in suckling mice were significantly higher than the adults, and we didn´t find statistically differences between the values of both analysed time points. We can conclude that in suckling mice we could observe maximum and minimum values but we coudn´t find a circadian rhythm like those established in adults.

Keywords: DNA synthesis, liver, kidney, mice, bromodeoxiuridine.


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How to Cite

MOAVRO, D., MARTÍNEZ, M., GARCÍA, M., GARCÍA, A., ANDRINI, L., INDA, A. M., & ERRECALDE, A. L. (2014). Comparative study of liver and kidney DNA synthesis in adult and young mice. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 11(1). Retrieved from



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