Veterinary pathology education in Argentina. Some considerations on its present situation


  • G. MUÑOZ


A compared analysis of diverse institutional, organizational and pedagogical aspects in the Veterinary Pathology dictation for the Veterinary Medicine career in the Argentine Republic is presented. The information was compiled during the Permanent Forum of Education in Veterinary Pathology first meeting with the purpose to seek new work criteria that operate in favor of the teaching-learning process improvement. On a total of 10 academic units, professors from six Faculties of Veterinary Sciences participated. The different subjects, in correspondence with the complexity that characterizes the University, presented numerous differences in the analyzed aspects related to the discipline: courses denomination, duration and total hour load. The organizational aspects of the courses, the activities development and the resources selection were found similar, articulating theory and practice through traditional modalities. Between the pending questions to answer it is possible to ask how the observed differences and similarities affect the education of this discipline and thus indirectly the future Veterinary Doctor formation and also which are the adequate modalities and styles to design teaching and evaluation strategies that promote a significant learning of the Veterinary Pathology.

Key words: Veterinary Pathology, teaching, Argentine Republic.


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IV RAPAVE. Reunión Argentina de Patología Veterinaria. Facultad de Ciencias veterinarias, UNLP. La Plata, 2004.

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2o Foro Permanente de Educación en Patología Veterinaria. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias, UBA. Buenos Aires, 2005.

How to Cite

IBARGOYEN, G., & MUÑOZ, G. (2014). Veterinary pathology education in Argentina. Some considerations on its present situation. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 9(1). Retrieved from



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