Dentary paleopathology in Santa Cruz aborigines


  • Mario RESTELLI
  • Susana BATISTA
  • Marta Grciela MENDEZ
  • Susana Alicia SALCEDA


The osteobiography approach in the study of extinct populations involves the analysis of dental pathology as an indicator of lifestyles in the past. On this paper this analysis was performed on a skull collection from sites located in the current province of Santa Cruz (Argentina), stored in the Anthropological Scientific Department of La Plata Museum.The sample was made up of thirteen skulls in different conservation conditions belonging to adults of both sexes. The inventory of the dental pieces was performed and the pathologies including caries, alveolar bone loss, dental wear degree, enamel hypoplasia and antemortem tooth loss were revealed. No caries, enamel hypoplasia or indirect signs of periodontal disease were identified. The wear degree was severe and widespread –more pronounced in mature individuals. The most affected pieces were the first superior and inferior molars. Antemortem loss of dental pieces was of 1.9%. These results indicate that the dental status of the population can be related to a subsistence economy typical of hunter-collector groups. The wear degree present on all the individuals and on the overall collection of kept pieces is related to the diet and food preparation.

Key words: osteobiography, tooth, paleopathology, aborigines, Santa Cruz.


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How to Cite

RESTELLI, M., BRUNO, M., BATISTA, S., MENDEZ, M. G., & SALCEDA, S. A. (2014). Dentary paleopathology in Santa Cruz aborigines. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 10(2). Retrieved from



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