The science of psychoanalysis and the psychoanalysis of science


  • Pablo Cazau Universidad de Buenos Aires



Epistemology, Science, Psychoanalysis


Within the broad spectrum of topics that could relate psychoanalysis to scientific knowledge, this article addresses two fundamental questions: 1) the conditions under which psychoanalysis can be considered as science, and 2) psychoanalytic explanations about scientific knowledge and, in particular, those offered by Sigmund Freud himself and later, by Gastón Bachelard, who will investigate the roots of scientific discourse in the psychodynamics of the unconscious.

Psychoanalysis "as science" and psychoanalysis "of science" are thus two alternative and in a sense complementary approaches where both belief systems scrutinize each other: science looking at psychoanalysis, and psychoanalysis looking at science. It is concluded that at heart it is not a matter of opposed approaches but rather of two approaches oriented towards the same objective, which is the construction of an epistemology of psychoanalysis.


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