Las variedades del autismo: su presentación en la demanda asistencial


  • María Cristina Piro


Autismo, Demanda Asistencial, Diagnóstico, Tratamiento


In this paper we present the theoretical foundations of the research project “Varieties of Autism: Its Presentment in Assistential Demand”, recognized and subsidized by the Science and Technique Secretary, UNLP, and executed between the years 2013-2014. We try to show, on the first place, the relevance of the issue of the abusive extension of a kind of diagnosis that appeals to the psychopathological category of Autism. On the second place, we display how the convergence of different theoretical discourses related to Autism provide a rich matrix to discuss about its ontological status and its clinical derivations. For that, we propose a path through the state of the art related to the topic of the project, starting from some developments from the psychiatric field to, then, assess the status of the post-Freudian and Lacanian psychoanalytic advances. By last, we present an abbreviated set of the results obtained during the indicated period, paying particular attention to those corresponding to the theoretical-conceptual and empirical spheres. These results come from a national and international updated literature survey, and from an exploratory design upon a sample of 86 cases of subjects diagnosed with General Developmental Disorder and Childhood Psychosis.


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