Construcción de normas locales en niños, para el sistema comprehensivo de Rorschch, Exner


  • Diana Elías
  • María Inés Urrutia
  • María Soledad Tonin
  • Sebastián Domingo D'Alessio Vila
  • Verónica Acevedo
  • Erica Romina Barrera
  • Martina Albisu
  • Karen van Keulen


Normas, Locales, Niños, Rorschach, Sistema comprehensivo


In our country we started (1999-2003) the construction of local standards for the Rorschach comprehensive system not patients of adult population in. At that time we received the support of his creator Dr. John Exner and the direction of Dra. Helena Lunazzi. This research today allows us to have our population policy tables. In this opportunity, we intend to make construction standards, to children in school age of 7 to 12, to provide descriptive statistics that serve as a reference for the evaluation of children, lacking in our country information. We know that the interpretative value assigned to the variable increases to the extent that the rules reflect the characteristics of the population, hence the importance of children’s reference norms as well as promoting intercultural and international studies.


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