Perfil de los alumnos que cursan la materia Estadística aplicada a la psicología -año 2015, segundo cuatrimestre


  • Lilia Elba Rossi Casé
  • Rosa Haydée Neer
  • María Susana Lopetegui
  • Mabel Tejo
  • Stella Maris Doná
  • Rogelio Biasella
  • María Euenia Ruiz
  • Fernando A. Manzini
  • Bruno Biganzoli


Alumnos, Perfil, Cuestionario, Estadística, Psicología


The results of a demographic and socio-educational indicators questionnaire on a sample of 366 students are presented. The subjects are Psychology-Applied Statistics students, which is a second-year course in UNLP’s Facultad de Psicología. The objective of this study was to observe the profile and the student’s performance at early stages of their career in order to adapt teaching and institutional resources to their particular demands. The applied variables’ analysis showed that 8 out of 10 students are women. The age range went from 19 to 58 years old, being women the students with highest ages. For both sexes, 19 years old is the most frequent age and 80% of the students does not exceed the age of 23. One third of the sample comes from La Plata or Berisso and Ensenada. 13% comes from other provinces and 5% from other countries, which shows a 100% increase against 2009 data. Half of the responding students went to public schools. 26% went through a Vocational Orientation process. Once they finished secondary education, 27% started a different career, and 69% of them abandoned it. Regarding their employment status, only 34% of the students works. It’s also noticeable that 2 out of 10 students hasn’t still approved any course, and that one of those 2 took the examination but did not pass it.


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