Coordination and Management of UNLP with organized Civil Society


  • Alfredo Luis Brunetti Universidad Nacional de La Plata
  • Liliana Galán Universidad Nacional de La Plata



coordination, links, civil society, faculties, knowledge, management, training


At the National University of La Plata (UNLP), there is a space between two different Groups (one internal, the Academic Units; the other external, the Civil Society) that holds meetings, conferences and workshops to exchange ideas, knowledge and systematize documents that are given to advertising on the different topics of interest of the Company.

The agenda includes topics of Safety, Mental Health, Education, Environment, Seniors, Sustainable Development Goals, among others. 

This work describes the actions aimed at Coordination and Management between the Academic Units of UNLP and the Organized Civil Society, represented through civil associations, foundations, professional colleges and business chambers in order to enhance the links and the joint work between these actors to realize the objectives aimed at the common good.

Today's fast-paced world increasingly needs dialogue between the University and Civil Society.


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Author Biographies

Alfredo Luis Brunetti, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Prosecretario de Relaciones Institucionales

Liliana Galán, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Secretaria de Extensión Universitaria, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas, UNLP


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How to Cite

Brunetti, A. L., & Galán, L. (2021). Coordination and Management of UNLP with organized Civil Society. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e005.



Informes de investigación