The experience of the virtualization of the activities of the MINERVA-UNLP university incubator in the context of Covid-19


  • Gonzalo Javier Márquez Universidad Nacional de La Plata



entrepreneurship, pandemic, Covid-19, Minerva


With the advent of Social, Preventive and Mandatory Isolation issued in March 2020 by the National Government, Argentines began to experience an unprecedented context. The health, social and economic consequences were not long in coming and the State institutions began to take measures to mitigate the situation. The National University of La Plata was not exempt and took action on the matter, developing a series of strategies that impacted due to its quick response. The Minerva Entrepreneurship Incubator was key in connecting with the regional production system and, through it, actions were carried out to channel the various undertakings of many entrepreneurs, who wanted to contribute to the fight against the pandemic. In this sense, the Call "Your idea Sum" was held, in which 63 projects were presented, most of which were channeled so that they could be effective. Thinking about the post-pandemic reality, the contest was called: "- Climate Change = Pandemics?", Considering that one of the great problems that generates dangerous diseases is the lack of care for the environment. The programmed internationalization activities were readjusted, with the aim of promoting future actions aimed at mitigating the effects of this crisis. In addition, work was carried out on the articulation of SMEs and entrepreneurs with the financing lines that were presented by the Ministry of Production of the National Government. These measures have been a substantial part of the institutional response.


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Author Biography

Gonzalo Javier Márquez, Universidad Nacional de La Plata

Secretario de Presidencia - UNLP


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How to Cite

Márquez, G. J. (2021). The experience of the virtualization of the activities of the MINERVA-UNLP university incubator in the context of Covid-19. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e027.



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