Commissioning of the Anti-Corruption Area and Procedure Manual at the National University of La Plata


  • Melisa J. Fresco Universidad Nacional de La Plata



procedural manual, obligatory universo, anti-corruption, public ethics


In order to preserve the high standards that make our university one of the most prestigious in the country, it is highly relevant to think about defining margins of transparency and the fight against corruption, where we will find already established standards and some fields to work on.

The main goal of this integrative work is to create parameters and procedures of topics that are currently on the rise in the university environment and our institution treats them but in an isolated manner and without a uniform procedure for the entire university.

However, prior to establishing procedures and creating a complete manual on the subject to be dealt with, it will be necessary to carry out a study of the general concepts in the matter that emanate from international conventions and national laws; also having to analyze the existing regulations in our university so that we can work on the relevant points on their basis.


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How to Cite

Fresco, M. J. (2021). Commissioning of the Anti-Corruption Area and Procedure Manual at the National University of La Plata. Revista ES, 1(1 y 2), e045.



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