Exfoliative cytology in pregnant and non-pregnant females of lagostomus maximus


  • Mirta Alicia FLAMINI Cátedra de Histología y Embriología. Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias. Universidad Nacional de La Plata.
  • Claudio Gustavo BARBEITO
  • Enrique Leo PORTINASKY


Exfoliative cytology or colpocytogram is a common laboratory method for recognizing cyclical changes in the vaginal epithelium. Different types of viscacha (Lagostomus maximus) vaginal epithelial cells are described. A reference pattern of morphological changes occurring in the vagina of these females in different physiological states is established. Animals were divided into four groups: anestrous, follicular phase, early pregnancy and pregnancy at term. Basal, intermediate and superficial cyanophilic, superficial eosinophilic, cornifiedand mucous cells as well as leukocytes were observed. Abundant leukocytes and basal cells were observed in females with anestrous. Superficial eosinophilic cells prevail during the follicular phase while the number of leukocytes decreased. In pregnant females mucous cells were abundant. Cyanophilic intermediate and basal cells were more abundant in these females than during the follicular phase. Colpocytogram is a technique that can be used in the viscacha for diagnosing pregnancy due to the high percentage of mucous cells observed. While leukocytes were present in all samples, the percentage of superficial eosinophilic cells could be taken as an indicator for the detection of estrus.

Keywords: vagina, colpocytogram, hystricomorpha, sexual cycle.


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How to Cite

FLAMINI, M. A., BARBEITO, C. G., & PORTINASKY, E. L. (2016). Exfoliative cytology in pregnant and non-pregnant females of lagostomus maximus. Revista Ciencias Morfológicas, 18(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/Morfol/article/view/2657



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