Nuevas herramientas tecnológicas en la educación superior


  • Mario E. Díaz Durán
  • Mariela Svetlichich


virtual teaching-learning environments, long distance education, higher education, technological educational tools, Internet, information and communication technologies for teaching


Education is one of the human intellectual activities that has been most affected by technological changes throughout history. From the dissemination of writing, educators have been incorporating permanently the different tools that have emerged, adding value to the educational process with the aim of disseminating knowledge. Who needs virtual education? Perhaps what we first happen to answer, goes through one of these two reasons: numerosity or geography. Most of the current university students have been born with the digital era, leading some authors to differentiate "digital natives" from "digital emigrants". The face-to-face teacher assumes the function of design, planning, application and evaluation, this omnipresence of the teacher who owns the knowledge, changes in the virtual teaching, giving way to the collaborative work of a teaching team, where new roles appear to be assumed. To carry out an analysis that interrelates the different variables in a way that allows defining the structural and conjunctural aspects for the development of an educational model at a distance, we will use the SWOT scheme. The ITCE offer almost infinite possibilities for its application in Higher Education. Key technologies are outlined, considered as extremely important for higher education institutions during the next year, within two or three years and within four or five. For each of them, we will present a description, its relevance for education, examples of its use and additional information for those who want to know more about this technology.


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How to Cite

Díaz Durán, M. E., & Svetlichich, M. (2016). Nuevas herramientas tecnológicas en la educación superior. Proyecciones, (11). Retrieved from


