Parallel State?
Tycoons, magistrates and mafiosers
submerged economy , mafias, narco-state, lawfareAbstract
We live difficult times. A historical crossroads. The triumph of a neoliberal conception of the State, the economy and neoliberal society, generates the conditions for the self -regulation of interest groups and factual powers that inhabit a gray area of exchange between legal economy, submerged economy, illegal economy with great capacity to incidence in the powers of the State and the financing of the policy. The trilogy of constitutional powers cannot be purified of relations and influences of the new 21st century power triangle: the large economic and financial groups, the mafias and segments of the institutional powers of the State, where, it is charging relevance, in this time of processes of defective democratization, the prominence of the Judiciary. The practices called such as Lawfare are better understood in this scenario, as well as the reforms of the institutions at the constitutional and legal level, which are proposed to transcend it from democracy and popular mobilization.
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