Jesus, the Jew from Galilee, Was He a Layman?


  • Adrián Tolentino Universidad Iberoamericana



judaism, jewish christians, Qumran, second temple, secularism, modernity, religion


The recently published book Un solo corpo: Laicità e sacerdozio nel delle origini, authored by Romano Penna, maintains that Jesus and the first Christians were laypeople. In this essay, the contents of the book are reviewed and criticized. The concept of “laity” is an anachronism roughly compatible with the first century AD. Ancient Christianity would be explained accurately with concepts closer to the Second Temple Judaism worldview.


Keywords: Judaism; Jewish Christians; Qumran; Second Temple; Secularism; Modernity; Religion.


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How to Cite

Tolentino, A. (2020). Jesus, the Jew from Galilee, Was He a Layman?. Dios Y El Hombre, 4(2), 067.



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