A New Study for the Characterization and Work with Young University People about Religious Indifference


  • Angel Patricio Valverde Gavilanes PUCE Ambato
  • Enma Carmen Leiva Sánchez pucesa
  • Blanca Azucena Oñate Sánchez
  • René Alonso Ayala Guamangate




religious leader, ethical principles, moral values


Takin into consideration that the moral principles of religion are norms and precepts that shape   the human being with the good actions he performs, this research focuses on the religious indifference of the youth attending University in the canton of Ambato; being this a new study for secular, religious, state and other faith institutions, the objective of this work is to identify the causes and consequences of the indifference towards religion as a whole, the absence of a religious identity and the lack of moral and religious values; such identification is analyzed from a quantitative perspective that enriches the qualitative work of this article. As a result of the study, a partial characterization of the current university student is obtained and the main causes of the religious indifference of the university student are evidenced, such as: negative example of religious leaders, family decomposition and the influence of the internet.  



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How to Cite

Valverde Gavilanes, A. P., Leiva Sánchez , E. C. ., Oñate Sánchez, B. A., & Ayala Guamangate , R. A. . (2021). A New Study for the Characterization and Work with Young University People about Religious Indifference. Dios Y El Hombre, 5(1), 078. https://doi.org/10.24215/26182858e078



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