Critique of Economic Liberalism

A Response from Christian Philosophy, the Bible and the Social Doctrine of the Church


  • Dante Abelardo Urbina Padilla Universidad de Lima



economic liberalism, christianity, Social Doctrine of the Church


This paper establishes the incompatibility between Christianism and economic liberalism by considering three sources: i) Christian philosophy, whose notion of positive liberty cannot be reduced to the mere negative liberty, which has centrality and primacy in liberalism; ii) the Bible, which establish the duty to pay taxes and social justice; iii) the Social Doctrine of the Church, which is at odds with liberalism in issues related to social justice, labor market regulation and State intervention.


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How to Cite

Urbina Padilla, D. A. (2021). Critique of Economic Liberalism: A Response from Christian Philosophy, the Bible and the Social Doctrine of the Church. Dios Y El Hombre, 5(1), 071.



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