A Hundred Anniversary of the Seminary “Saint Joseph” of La Plata

The challenge of forming priests for the new evangelization


  • Rubén Revello Institute of Bioethics UCA (Catholic University of Argentina)


seminary, formation, history


Rubén Revello offers us a forceful reflection on St. Joseph Major Seminary, on its centenary of foundation. The priest, a former teacher of the house, takes us through the roots of the magnificent building work inherited from an enthusiastic past, destined to the formation of priests steeped in intellectuality and pastoral thrust. He also tells us the importance that the Second Vatican Council had in the assumption of a new seminary, which forms its priests in tune with the present times, leaving aside ideological "satellites", to focus on the priesthood that the People of God needs. Finally, it specifies the elements that the Saminarian and the seminary will need to cultivate their formation in these times of challenges and changes that are coming. In consideration of this future seminary, he highlights the need for closeness as an anchor for formation rather than rigid structures of resistance to change. A closeness with God in the first place, with the bishop, with the priestly community and with the People of God. He highlights also the fundamental character of creativity and personalization in the formative process, as well as self-knowledge and love for the Church in intimacy with God. And "above all, a great love for people, because love is the language that every human being knows perfectly well".


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Byung-Chul Han. (2017). La sociedad del cansansio. Barcelona: Herder.

Francisco. (17 de Febrero de 2022). Discurso del Santo Padre Francisco al simposio "Por una teología fundamental del sacerdocio". Obtenido de Vatican.va: https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/es/speeches/2022/february/documents/20220217-simposio-teologia-sacerdozio.html

Juan Pablo II. (s.f.). Evangelium Vitae. Obtenido de Vatican.va: https://www.vatican.va/content/john-paul-ii/es/encyclicals/documents/hf_jp-ii_enc_25031995_evangelium-vitae.html


2022-11-24 — Updated on 2022-12-05

How to Cite

Revello, R. (2022). A Hundred Anniversary of the Seminary “Saint Joseph” of La Plata: The challenge of forming priests for the new evangelization. Dios Y El Hombre, 6(1). Retrieved from https://revistas.unlp.edu.ar/DyH/article/view/14436



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