Eligible Candidates for the Government of the Primitive Christian Community


  • Fernando Sagaspe Instituto Seminario Mayor San José; Universidad Católica de La Plata




cristianism, priesthood, Holy Fathers, seminary


In early Christian communities, the choice of their leaders was in some way inspired and evaluated by the very core of their members. In the course of history, the consolidation, rise and affirmation of Christianity, demanded prepared and morally fit leaders for their government in the face of the different scenarios that they had to face in an extensive empire with a strongly established political-religious tradition. In this article we will examine some patristic sources to understand and know the spirit of a Church that grows and defends its functions and vocations and thus gives way to the so-called "Edict of Milan" (313) that changes the course of its history.


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2022-11-24 — Updated on 2022-12-05

How to Cite

Sagaspe, F. (2022). Eligible Candidates for the Government of the Primitive Christian Community. Dios Y El Hombre, 6(1), 087. https://doi.org/10.24215/26182858e087



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