500 Years of the Order of Theatines

The Origin of the Regular Clerics


  • Diego A. Doldán Pontificia Universidad Gregoriana, Italia




Theatines, regular clerics, catholic reformation, 16th Century


The year 2024 marks the fifth centenary of the foundation of the first order of regular clerics, which, despite retaining the title without additions, quickly became known as the 'Theatines' in reference to one of its founders, Juan Pedro Carafa, Bishop of Chieti (in Latin, Theates). Along with Cayetano de Thiene, Bonifacio de Colle, and Paolo Consiglieri, the four curial members of the Oratory of Divine Love in Rome, in search of an active response to the critical situation of the clergy during the 16th century, decided to live in common and profess the Evangelical Counsels. In the following article, we will approach the foundational moment of the Theatine Order through documents, chronicles, and accounts of the time. The objective will be to investigate the origins of a lifestyle that brought about the much-desired reform of the clergy: the regular clergy.


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How to Cite

Doldán, D. A. (2024). 500 Years of the Order of Theatines: The Origin of the Regular Clerics. Dios Y El Hombre, 8(1), 101. https://doi.org/10.24215/26182858e101



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