Los valores y el derecho


  • Gastón Leandro Medina UNLP. DERECHO




There is a sentence of the Treaty of San Luis María Grignon de Montfort, which reads: "Silence all language here." The phrase is acclaimed by the Saint before the revelation by the Holy Spirit of God on the decisive role of the Blessed Virgin Mary always, throughout the history of Salvation and, with special emphasis, at the end of time. In the same way, the great poet of Italy, as it emerges from the quotation of the epigraph, complained of the poverty of the word before the sinigual experience of the Beatific vision, of which the Blessed Virgin was part, and he did it, to Despite having been he, who is considered the re-founder of the Italian language.

Both phrases have in common, in addition to the mythical feeling that unites them, the categorical and suggestive character, not only because of the authority they entail, but because they refer to the word by moribunding it; limiting its suitability; depriving it of effectiveness; at least, in relation to the knowledge of certain realities of the world that, without forgetting the religious feeling that both hold, can be applied, without hesitation, to the understanding of values ​​in general.

What has been said is the prelude to the central thesis of this reflection: The ineffectiveness of words and reason, in order to reach -to know- values.

We will try to demonstrate that values ​​are not expressed through words, simply because they are not explained through human reason.

The values ​​are understood, that is, they are reached through the emotion generated in the subject by the supra-empirical experience that is made of them.

Thus, not being its foundation - its "naturalis" - rational, same luck will run its measure - its "ratio".

Hence, the logical-causal explanation of values, through words, is an inadequate method for understanding them.

Therefore, as the greatest poet of Italy rightly expresses, sometimes the word becomes short and the concept becomes empty.


Keywords: right-values- legal sense- comprehension.


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How to Cite

Medina, G. L. (2018). Los valores y el derecho. Dios Y El Hombre, 2(2), 183–195. https://doi.org/10.24215/26182858e026



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