Aporte paulino al orden social

Debates en torno a I Cor 7, 17 - 24


  • Miguel Barriola




KEY IDEAS: We propose the debates produced by the complicated passage of I Cor 7, 17 - 24, about the Christian slaves’ state. Maybe St. Paul was aquiescent with the general pagan position, which contemned the slaves? Show he cowardliness, not condemnend clearly that injust social situation?

We debate the differet positions, showing enlightening reasons that support the pauline position, simultaneously prudent and deeply revolutionary.


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How to Cite

Barriola, M. (2018). Aporte paulino al orden social: Debates en torno a I Cor 7, 17 - 24. Dios Y El Hombre, 2(2), 155–171. https://doi.org/10.24215/26182858e024



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